Our Vision

Overflow Church is a Church on a mission to join God on His mission by inviting people to find hope in Jesus. There 290,000 people in Central, Pa with no connection to a church or a relationship with Jesus. We believe God has called us to be actively involved in seeing those numbers changed. We believe the most effective way to see those numbers is by focusing on making disciples who make disciples and releasing them to be missionaries in the places God is calling them.

“A disciple: someone following Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and committed to the mission of Jesus.”  -Bobby Harrington 

“A missionary is someone sent by Jesus Christ just as He was sent by God.” - Oswald Chambers

We are believing God for…

  • 10 new church starts by 2025

  • 25 new church starts by 2030

  • 30 Launchable leaders answering a call to ministry by 2030

  • 250 Disciple Makers by 2030

  • 25,000 Gospel Conversations by 2030

  • Million Dollar Challenge: Overflow was blessed by the Presbyterian church who gave us this building for $1. We want to honor their legacy by giving away $1 million to help start new churches in Central, Pa and beyond by 2030.

#290,000Reasons #EachOneReachOne #WeAreMissionaries #DisciplesMakeDisciples

Meet Our Staff

Pastor Richard Cox
Lead Missionary

Pastor Aimee Burns
Ministry and Opperations

Amanda (Mandie) Barrett - Administrator

Meet Our Leaders

Lisa Dellape - Café Team Leader

Sam Liberman - Hospitality Team Leader

Justin & Kelsey Clark - Kid City Team Leaders

Bob Johns - Tech Team Leader & Trustee Team

Lisa Fellabaum - Community Meal Team Leader

(Coming Soon) Denny Keller - Trustee Team Lead & Local Board of Administration

Pat Irwin - Trustee Team

Chris DeAntonio - Local Board of Administration

Ron Barrett - Local Board of Administration

(Coming Soon) Chris Clemons - Local Board of Administration

Loretta Johnson -Local Board of Administration Treasurer


We Are Wesleyan

Our Beliefs

Wesleyans believe in one God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all who put their faith in him alone for eternal life.

We believe that those who are made new in Christ are called to be holy in character and conduct and can only live this way by being filled with the Lord’s Spirit.

We believe in the Bible and its sufficiency to establish our faith and conduct.

We believe God wills for people everywhere to know him and be made new in Christ.

We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness and loving deeds.

These terms describe the “soul of the Church”:
Biblical authority, Christlikeness, Disciple Making, Local Church-Centered, Servant Leadership